Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Desinfestação de segmentos nodais de mini-rosa (Rosa sp.) para o estabelecimento in vitro; SILVA, Ana Caroline Miléo da (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilNot applicableUFOPAInstituto de Biodiversidade e Florestas, 2018-07-11)
      Brazil stands out as one of the largest producers of ornamental plants in the world, with the mini-roses (Rosa sp.) Becoming one of the best-selling potted flowers. However, in spite of the great economic importance of ...
    • Indução de calogênese em explantes foliares de mandioca em resposta à suplementação exógena de auxinas; COSTA, Tanara Pletsch Dalla (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilNot applicableUFOPAInstituto de Biodiversidade e Florestas, 2019-02-15)
      The induction of callogenesis in cassava depends significantly on its genotype. Thus, it is necessary to study the specific varieties of cassava in order to improve the techniques involved in the callogenesis process. ...