Itens para a visualização no momento 1-3 of 3

    • Fartura e festejo: comida, canto e dança no circuito de trocas da Festa de São Benedito em Almerim/PA; FIGUEIREDO, Vanessa Lima Brasil de (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilOthersUFOPAInstituto de Ciências da Sociedade, 2022-08-19)
      Saint's feasts are traditional popular celebrations quite common in the Amazon, which value, besides the religious rites themselves, practices of exchange and reciprocity that circulate various types of material and symbolic ...
    • Fartura e festejo: comida, canto e dança no circuito de trocas da Festa de São Benedito em Almerim/PA; FIGUEIREDO, Vanessa Lima Brasil de (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilOthersUFOPAInstituto de Ciências da Sociedade, 2022-08-19)
      Saint's feasts are traditional popular celebrations quite common in the Amazon, which value, besides the religious rites themselves, practices of exchange and reciprocity that circulate various types of material and symbolic ...
    • Ficções especulativas e múltiplos fins do mundo: um ensaio antropológico;; OLIVEIRA, Dian Brandon Sousa de (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilOthersUFOPAInstituto de Ciências da Sociedade, 2022-07-06)
      The present work aimed to reflect on interspecific relations, links between societies and their "natural" surroundings, based on the debate of the so-called "multispecies turn" and in the interdisciplinary field of ...