• Revista A Seara e as práticas de leitura no pentecostalismo assembleiano (1956 - 1978) 

      http://lattes.cnpq.br/4649073662511086; SANTOS, Luis Eduardo Sousa dos (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilOthersUFOPAInstituto de CIências da Educação, 2020)
      This article aims to present the results of the research entitled "The column Letter from the Readers of the magazine A Seara and the reading practices in Assembly Pentecostalism (1956-1978)". After examining 1134 excerpts ...
    • O impacto social e econômico em Santarém - Pará com a instalação da Fábrica Tecejuta 

      http://lattes.cnpq.br/0394084734511250; BARROS, Elias Pereira de (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilOthersUFOPAInstituto de CIências da Educação, 2022)
      The work outlined here proposes to reflect on the jute weaving spinning company in Santarém, TECEJUTA. The company that worked in the processing of natural fibers such as jute, for the production of coffee sacks. It was a ...
    • Para além da mão de obra: saberes e conhecimentos indígenas nas missões do Tapajós (XVII-XVIII) 

      http://lattes.cnpq.br/1394354405519067; CORREA, Alcimar de Sousa (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilOthersUFOPAInstituto de CIências da Educação, 2022-07-12)
      This research proposes to analyze the knowledge and knowledge of indigenous peoples in religious missions, mainly those in the lower Amazon. It is based on discussions of New Indigenous History, which aims to value indigenous ...