Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Análise do consumo energético de serragem em olarias no município de Santarém-Pa;; FERREIRA, Jessica Sabrina da Silva (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilOthersUFOPAInstituto de Biodiversidade e Florestas, 2019)
      The ceramic industries in Santarém use, in their majority, sawdust as a source of energy in the process of burning the bricks, where the furnaces in question reach temperatures higher than 900º C. However, sawing often ...
    • Caracterização física e mecânica da madeira de Cedrelinga catenaeformis; SALES, Danielle das Flores de (Universidade Federal do Oeste do ParáBrasilOthersUFOPAInstituto de Biodiversidade e Florestas, 2019)
      Wood is a heterogeneous material that presents a variety of uses, where there are a large number of different species. So that the knowledge of its technological properties are important to define its correct and end use. ...